An Analogy
Suppose you are walking in a city one day. You come across a huge building. It is 120 feet long, 120 feet wide and 200 stories tall with no windows. The entire surface of the building on all four sides is covered with electric transistors; each one of these transistors has 1000 wires extending from it and connecting to other transistors and other wires. These transistors are closely and densely packed together. Each one with its 1000 wires takes up approximately one square inch. Electric signals are flashing through the wires at the rate of billions per second. You stare in awe at the immense complexity of this electric building.
You are becoming more and more enthralled with what you see, so you find someone on the sidewalk who seems to be familiar with this amazing building and you ask him about it. He explains to you that it is, among other things, a vast computer that operates at a speed undreamed of by computer makers. He explains that the hum that you hear is the sound of millions upon millions of transistors communicating with one another in an undecipherable electrical codes. The transistors are communicating with each other.
The outside of the building is a vast organized network containing numerous highly organized sub-networks and sub-sub-networks.
One of the sub-networks makes the building aware that you are standing on the sidewalk looking at it. Another sub-network stores information about you for its future use and instant retrieval. Another takes the information from other networks and determines whether you are a threat to the building. Another calculates your size and analyzes your movements.
Your friend explains that since these different networks provide different functions, their codes are different. The way that they communicate with one another differs depending on what type of information they send. No one knows how to read the codes except the other transistors and the other networks. He explains why you see power source coming from the building. This is because each transistor produces exactly the right amount of electricity that it needs to perform its particular function - down to the millionth of a volt. Your friend tells you that there are other buildings like this in town. Sometimes the buildings wear out and stop, but before that occurs, the building has already created another building exactly like itself, with all of the millions upon millions of transistors and wires organized in exactly the right way.
There has been more study of those buildings than any other subject in town, but nobody can understand how they can do what they do. They are just too complicated. Sometimes scientists just walk away from them shaking their heads saying that it is just not possible for the buildings to do what they do.
You ask your friend if anyone knows where the buildings came from.
He informs you that their origin is certainly common knowledge; it is taught in every public schoolhouse. The buildings came from some type of mud and began with a lightning bolt. That started an amazing process that somehow produced the buildings through a series of extremely fortunate accidents.
The buildings gradually arose out of the earth and accidentally got better and better over time, because all the ones that did not have such vast complexity died out. Of course this process can never be observed because it takes so long. Didn't you learn this in school? You must be from another town.
Your friend is an evolutionist and the building is a poor illustration of the complexity and computing power of the brain of a honeybee.
Darwinism must account for the existence of life, because if it does not, then there must have been a Designer. And the existence of a Designer (Creator) is unacceptable because evolution is godless. Therefore, it must be the mud, the accidents and the survival of the fittest that did it. No matter how impossible it is for accidental mutations to create the vast complexity of life that is now common knowledge, Darwinism commands that there is but one answer for it all.
All God-talk aside, that is the most convoluted and utterly vapid reasoning offered by any intelligent human since the scientific community believed that the world was balanced on the back of a giant turtle.